Setting up Twitter alerts for individual cryptocurrency coins and tokens is laborious and error-prone. Spammy tweets inevitably clutter your data-feeds. Qureet automatically distils the best sentiment and news about each crypto symbol for you.
Qureet lets you choose which cryptocurrencies to follow. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Iota - they're all here. Focus on news and blogs - or instruct Qureet to find you only conversational tweets about your crypto assets instead.
One tool to incorporate Twitter into your busy day: @TweetQureet curate top tweets by interest: #CivilServiceLive
— Daniel Riches (@RichesDaniel) June 25, 2014
Cont. to be surprised of how well @TweetQureet works in its perceived simplicity. Does very good job of reacting to new keywords you tweet.
— Samuel Lampa (@smllmp) September 14, 2015
@AndrewBonello start to receive my first emails from @TweetQureet. Pretty cool.
— William Kennedy (@goinggodotnet) April 11, 2014
Signup for emails with the cream of your Twitter timeline each day - tailored to your interests at @TweetQureet:
— Greger Wikstrand PhD (@GregerWikstrand) April 14, 2014
Connaissez-vous @TweetQureet ? [en] Un outil devenu indispensable pour ma #veille sur #Twitter
— Monique Brunel (@webatou) December 31, 2014
Do you use Twitter in English, French, Spanish, Italian or German? Qureet works with them all to help surface the best content on your timeline every 24 hours:
Parlez-vous français? Un nouveau arrivant parmi les outils de veille, Qureet apprend ce qui vous intéresse le plus. Cela, pour vous aider à découvrir les meilleures tweets et actualités sur Twitter. Recevez un email quotidien avec les nouvelles les plus importantes.
¿Habla español? Qureet es capaz de aprender sobre tus intereses para ayudarte a encontrar las mejores noticias y mensajes en Twitter, y te enviara un resumen diario por email con los resultados mas relevantes.
Parli italiano? Qureet impara i soggetti che ti interessano per aiutarsi a trovare le migliore notizie e messaggi su Twitter. Ogni giorni riceverete una email con il riepilogo delle notizie più importanti.
Sprichst Du Deutsch? Qureet lernt ständig mehr über deine Interessen. Es durchsucht jeden Tag deinen Feed nach den besten Tweets und sendet sie dir per E-Mail.
Qureet is written entirely in Go (also known as golang). The backend and webserver initially ran on a Raspberry Pi! Due to high demand, the Qureet platform is now hosted on beefier hardware. I'm more than happy to chat about this in detail.
Qureet is Multi-Lingual
Got questions? Please email us
Or call us: +1 (714)-900-2438 or Skype