Are you a Community Manager on Twitter? Perhaps you’re building a Social-Media presence for your Digital Web Agency? Finding quality, sharable content is both time-consuming and challenging. Use Hashtag Tracking to leverage your efforts and build an engaged Twitter following with minimal work each day.
I launched Qureet in late 2013 to monitor the topics I’m most interested in on Twitter. Since then, I’ve had lots of great feedback, positive press coverage and loads of new signups. Qureet now has a solid user-base, and engagement levels are good.
In early 2014, Qureet sent a survey out to our users. We got some very helpful suggestions and feedback. The most common feature-request *by far* was that people wanted to setup Hashtag Tracking for their favorite topics.
Qureet sets this up for you right from the outset. When you sign up, Qureet learns your most relevant hashtags and topics. It will then follow them for you. Qureet will do a good job right out-of-the-box. But if you want more control, you can setup a Hashtag Tracking report for explicit terms by reading on:
1. Follow #Hashtags and & 2. Follow @Users
One of the Twitter’s best features is hashtags. But tracking your top hashtags using columns in TweetDeck or HootSuite rapidly gets unmanageable. Using Qureet, you can bucket your top hashtags into your daily digests by just including the #Hashtag as a Followed Topic.
Several hashtags can be comma-separated on a single line. Or, write them out one per line. You choose. The same goes for @User mentions. Follow tweets by @Bob (or tweets mentioning @Bob) by simply dropping his username into your Followed Topics.
3. Drop Irrelevant Tweets with “-”
If there are tweets appearing in your timeline which you specifically want excluded from your digest emails, just add a “-” infront of the topic or hashtag. For example, if you’re fed up of hearing about #GoogleGlass, just add: “-#GoogleGlass“. Done.
(Though, why anyone could possibly be fed up hearing about #GoogleGlass is beyond me. But that’s another blog post … :-)
Ofcourse, the same applies for @Users. Just drop users with “-@Username” as required. After you modify your Followed Topics, always remember to press the Save button (bottom of page).
Here’s a simple example of hashtag tracking and user tracking on your Settings page:
#google, #facebook, #twitter, @GolangWeekly
-#sxsw, -#ruby, -#python, -@PlanetPython
This could just as validly be written as:
4. Follow Topics to your Heart’s Content
But it gets better. You’re not restricted to following Hashtags and Users when setting up your Followed Topics on Qureet. Follow any topic at all by just entering your desired keywords in the “Follow Topics” box. Topics can be made up of one or multiple words.
Focus on alphanumeric characters. Most punctuation and extraneous symbols will get discarded. So supposing you wanted to filter any tweets on your timeline containing either the phrase “twitter curation” or “social media”:
twitter curation, social media
Or, just as valid:
twitter curation
social media
5. Give your New Hashtags Time to Filter Through
Any time you add or modify your Followed Topic settings, give Qureet some time to consume them. It might take a day or two before your updated content finds its way into your digests. This assumes, ofcourse, that you’ve followed topics that people are actually tweeting about on your timeline.
If you’ve followed new hashtags, people or topics but aren’t seeing them in your digest emails, please email me so we can figure out what’s going on.
For advanced lead-generation, power-up your Qureet profile With Boost and Remove signals – detailed below.
What happens when I Boost a keyword in Qureet?
When you click Boost next to a keyword in one of your Qureet emails, this tells the system that you want to prioritize leads containing this keyword. When you Boost in this way, the *only* keyword that gets boosted is the one that appears to the left of the “Boost”. None of the other keywords found in this lead are affected.
After Boost’ing a keyword in this way, you will be taken to a page which confirms this action. Below that message, you will see your timeline view for today – filtered on leads containing the keyword you just Boost’ed.
Future leads containing this keyword will be prioritized over other leads. Note that it may take a day or two for a Boost request to take effect.
What happens when I Remove a keyword from Qureet?
When you click Remove next to a keyword in a Qureet lead email, this signals that you no longer wish to see any leads mentioning this keyword. When you Remove a keyword like this, the only keyword that gets removed is the one that appears to the left of the “Boost”. None of the other keywords found in this lead are affected.
When you Remove a keyword, you will be taken a page confirming your action. Below this message, you will see your timeline of leads for today – filtered so that all leads mentioning the Remove’d keyword are now hidden.
After you have Remove’d a keyword, you can visit your Qureet Settings page, where you will see a corresponding negative keyword entry at the end of the keywords text-box.
Future leads containing this keyword will be dropped completely from your Qureet emails. You shouldn’t see this keyword mentioned again in the future. If you do see leads containing a dropped keyword and are wondering why, please email us – we can explain!
If you accidentally Remove a keyword but didn’t mean to, you can either (i) revert manually, or (ii) email us and tell us which keyword you accidentally removed – we will be happy to add it back in for you.
To manually revert the change yourself, follow these simple steps:
a) Visit your Settings page.
b) Locate the negative keyword in the Keywords text-box near the bottom of your settings. So, if you clicked Remove on keyword “marketing automation”, you will be looking for the following entry in the keyword text-box:
-marketing automation
c) Next, edit the text in the box to delete the above “-marketing automation” entry completely.
d) Click the Save button under the keywords text-box to ensure this update is retained in your profile.
All done! Leads containing this keyword will start to be allowed into your Qureet emails again from now on.
Happy tweet-filtering!
Does your Twitter experience feel overwhelming? Signup for daily Hashtag Tracking digests below: